P. O. Box 427
Centre Hall, PA  16828


What a beautiful day, celebrating HOPE! Thank you to all of our generous sponsors, volunteers, donors and community members!  We could not do this without you!!  We are already looking forward to next year! 

When you can, please say thank you and support our local businesses and sponsors who made this event a big success!  

The Hope Fund would like to thank all of you that took the time to donate during the Centre Gives 36 hour online giving event.  We did quite well, receiving $10,961!  This will certainly help our Penns Valley residents who may need short-term financial assistance during a difficult time of a medical emergency or personal disaster.  We also want to give a shout out to Centre Gives for supporting 217 Centre County non-profit organizations.  Another record-breaking event of raising $2,493,819 with over 16,000 donors!

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the 2023 Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day.  Because of all of you, we were able to raise over $4,300 to help your neighbors in need in the Penns Valley Area School District!  A special thanks to Mandy Stitzer, Jess Martin, the Nittany Valley Running Club and all others involved in volunteering their time and talents to make this day happen!   We are blessed!!  

We have another (exciting) change for Christmas of HOPE drop off! We send a heartfelt thank you to Trinity United Church of Christ in Centre Hall for the use of their parsonage to work out of!

