P. O. Box 427
Centre Hall, PA  16828

Financial Assistance

Unfortunately, tragedies happen everyday.  The HOPE fund is here to help residents of the Penns Valley Area School District, in accordance to our mission, to those who have a major medical crisis or personal disaster.  We will try to provide financial assistance and support to as many requests as funding will allow.  If you are a resident of the Penns Valley Area School District and have a major medical crisis or a personal disaster, please complete the entire four page application and the Authorization to Use or Disclose Client Information form (see links below).  If you are not able to print your own form, please contact us at the email noted below and we will be glad to mail you an application or you could pick up an application at the following locations:

Grace United Methodist Church
127 South Pennsylania Avenue
Centre Hall, PA 16828
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Penns Valley Youth Center                   
106 School Street
Spring Mills, PA  16875
3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday
3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday

When your form has been completed, mail or email the completed signed documents to:

HOPE Fund of Penns Valley
P. O. Box 427
Centre Hall, PA  16828

Once received, the Outreach Director will assign team members to meet with you personally to discuss your situation in detail.  Their assessment will be presented to the Board of Directors who meet monthly to review each applicant's needs.  It is IMPORTANT to note that this process can be lengthy therefore we recommend that you submit your complete four page Application and Authorization to Use or Disclose Client Information form within 30 days of your need.  Requests submitted without proper time allowance, detail, and accuracy may not be able to be processed by your noted deadline.  

If you have any questions for the Hope Fund, please contact us at pennsvalleyhopefund@gmail.com.

Thank you

Application Form
Authorization to Use or Disclose Client Information Form